Monday, October 10, 2005

Why is it...

...that the numbers on a phone pad go from top to bottom and on a calculator or keyboard they go from bottom to top?

No, I really want to know. This is not me trying to be funny..........................

this is.......................

Bush is sitting in the oval office with some of his advisors, a minion enters the room

"Mr President, I'm affraid we have lost 2 Brazilion soldiers"

Bush slumps in his seat and puts his head in his hands saying "No no no no"

Everyone in the room is disturbed to say the least at the Presidents apparent over reaction to this news.

Bush looks up and says

"How many is a brazillion again?"

Made me laugh........


Glencross said...

There seem to be lots of theories on this:

Me said...

I like the alphabet theory best.....thanks for that Glen.....

Glencross said... the way, for some reason the comment thing doesn't work properly on your blog, well for me anyhow - I had to copy the link location thus

then delete the "&isPopup=true" bit to make it work. It's something to do with pop-ups - I checked that I didn't have 'block pop-ups' enabled and tried a few different browsers, but same problem.

It might be just me, but who knows, there could be hoards of fans out there desperate to comment on your musings.

Me said...

Yeah I noticed it only works if you right click and "open in new window" I have that problem on all the other blogs, so I guess it is something to do with blocking pop ups.