Saturday, December 17, 2005

You know how....

....sometimes you can have a bad week / month / year / moment?

And you know how sometimes when this happens you see something it could be a message from God /Buddah / Allah/ KIT from Knight Rider / Jehovah / Selasi that makes you realise that actually you're ok.

Well here's one that was sent by the the almighty last week when I was suffering a leeettle bit from PMT (you probably didn't notice I hide it so well)

Made me laugh anyway.............mankini's really is there anyting worse?

Friday, December 09, 2005


.....genius or complete shite?

No really I can't tell.

All I know is that she's got another bloody album release called Ameretti Biscuit or something.

As far as I can see she simply re arranges the track order and releases the same 12 droaning banshyee on ketamine 'songs'

Is she the Andrew Ridley of dinner party music? Ridley was, after all, the ultimate pop-star...couldn't play a note and had no talent, he simply jumped around looking good (look it was the 80's 'flicks' perma-tan and pastel clothing was a good look) made a mint then buggered off to the land of King Arthur with a third of Bananarama.

I didn't mean that last line to rhyme.

Time to head off and play a friday night game of ebay...........

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

My iPod .... cock in car is the son of a bank balance is as full as an Ethiopians picnic flat is as warm and welcoming as Margret Thatchers cunt.

I'm having a bad week. Can you tell? Oh yes and my friend called me yesterday to tell me her mothers husband has killed himself.


I'm on my way out to buy lots of cakes I'm then gonna return home get into bed read and eat them. If I encounter one person who says

"Cheer up it might never happen"


"You look like you lost a tenner and found a quid"


"Think of those people worse off than you"

I shall stab them in the eye with a bath sponge (i'm not really very good at violence)

Have a nice day everyone....................

Monday, December 05, 2005

I'm worried...

...about The Son.

He has 'discovered' Little Britain and finds it hilarious. As I sit here typing and waiting for our supper of steak pie and mash to cook he is stood in the middle of the sitting room hand on hip announcing "I am the only gay in the village..." Is he trying to tell me something? Is he the only gay in the village?

Who knows, I fear he is going through a bit of a strange faze at the moment we spent the whole walk home from school with him asking what the best method was for contacting spirits. He has decided that mediation is probably best and is now sat crossed legged in the middle of the sitting room with a candle in front of him. He did just ask how he will know when they have contacted him. Er....a polite cough? A gentle tap on the shoulder?

I cant wait for the teenage years when the hormones really kick in........

Thursday, December 01, 2005

I've had...

...bird flu.

No really, it wasn't just flu it was bird flu and it was baaaaad. I have to say it was bird flu 'cause then that would make it a three.... A three? Yes so far this year I have had Bells Palsy (soooo not a good look for a woman) then whilst I had that I broke my leg. So I ended up hobbling around on cruches with half my face hanging around my chin.

All people could say to me was "well you know they come in three's" Piss off arsewanks.

I missed the Brighton 10k run, yes I am still running. But having spent a week in bed I decided to do a 5k last sunday (nike run london one). Did it in 32 minutes and 14 seconds.

Man I'm like a.....a......what am I like? Oh yeah I know I'm like a fucking fucktard because I've just entered the Flora 1/2 marathon in March. Why did I enter it? Dunno really I think because I got board playing on ebay.

Right I'm off to make sausage and mash with onion gravy, followed by rhubarb crumble.

I might need an electric wheelchair for the 1/2 marathon..............