Friday, October 28, 2005

Rosa Parks...

....died this week.

I'm sure loads of you will be saying "Who?"

The thing is I thought she'd died years ago....and that makes me feel crap. Why?

I've never been one for great political /moral/religious beliefs.....I quite enjoy the fact that I'm just too lazy to be a fundamentalist.......or an activist. Oh sure I joined all the clubs when I was at Uni.....I even signed up for the black panthers once at a festival.....but I only ever joined anything to meet guys. No really I am that shallow.

Would I have done what Rosa did? Doubt it.

There is always this fine line with racism.....I am half caste/mixed race/bi-racial and it's only with black people that I have had to justify my 'blackness'.....and that pisses me off. Newsflash I grew up listening to Mozart as well as Marley....I'm never questioned about my 'whiteness' by white people. Although the 70's were a blast for unsolicited 'wog' jibes.

It's now ok for black stand comedians to make jokes about white people and yet if a white person makes a black joke they're a everyone can do it (which is so much funnier) or nobody can....

....except me....cause I'm both.......

So there was an Englishman, a Jamaican man and a..............


Toenex said...

even signed up for the black panthers once at a festival.....but I only ever joined anything to meet guys

Loving that. I tried that with the Girl Guides. But actually found i had a real skill at needlecraft...fuck did that backfire.

Me said...

I have been feeling shite all day.....atk your comment just made me laugh out loud so bloody hard....thanks for that....*she's still grinning*

Toenex said...

We aim to please.

Me said...

Yes maybe then were passing her.....wait for it.....
BUS-cuits......EH? EH? You like that one.....(no Oreo jokes please)