Wednesday, October 05, 2005

What's happened to My blog?

Why has all the stuff slipped down on the right hand side?

Who did this?

Where are they?

Why are the link's at the very bottom of the page?????

Huh? Huh?

Come on answer me!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a response to your question about what happened to your blog. I am ElectroSciTech, a webmaster who has not worked with Blog Spot and does not have a blog (have not gotten around to it yet) but has done a bit with web design, computer programming and server operation, configuation and building. I found your blog by checking out the random button of the blog ring feature. I can be contacted by visiting
I am not sure about where you were trying to place the links that are at the bottom of your page, but I am going to presume that you are attempting to get them aligned to the right of the blog entries. I am also presuming that you are editing the HTML for the blog. You can use a table with side by side cells to allow your blog to be on one side of your page and your links to be on the other side without allowing them to affect eachothers vertical positioning.
As for who caused the problem in the first place, I do not know anything about that. I do know that certian servers are more prone to hackers than others, and if you suspect a hacker, you may wish to contact Blog Spot to let them know about the situation, as they either control the server or know who does. It is the server's administrator that is responsible for dealing with "hacking attempts" (or should we say hacking success stories?), as knowone else has accesses to the server to deal with the issue. That is part of the reason that I wiped out Microsoft server products in my control; I discovered that Microsoft is hacker heaven. My probe shows that Blog Spot is running Apache server, which is known for being considerably more secure than Microsoft server products.
I hope that you will get things straitened out and that I was helpful in doing so. If you wish to contact me for any reason you may contact me through my web form at If you found any of this interesting you way wish to visit my web site at as I may have some things there that could be interesting to you as well.