Wednesday, December 07, 2005

My iPod .... cock in car is the son of a bank balance is as full as an Ethiopians picnic flat is as warm and welcoming as Margret Thatchers cunt.

I'm having a bad week. Can you tell? Oh yes and my friend called me yesterday to tell me her mothers husband has killed himself.


I'm on my way out to buy lots of cakes I'm then gonna return home get into bed read and eat them. If I encounter one person who says

"Cheer up it might never happen"


"You look like you lost a tenner and found a quid"


"Think of those people worse off than you"

I shall stab them in the eye with a bath sponge (i'm not really very good at violence)

Have a nice day everyone....................


Toenex said...

and just when you thought it couldn't get any worse I start reading your blog again!

Me said...

ATK where have you been?

Me said...

M - Yes this week is not a good one. I would like it to leave now please

Andraste said...

I'm having one of those weeks myself. The whole world's agin' me! What the fuck is going on?

It should be next week already, but I don't want to skip the weekend.

Me said...

It's a bloody conspiricy (cant spell) I tell you.

2004 - shit for everyone I've met
2005 - bit better
this week - arse