Thursday, July 13, 2006

How do you know

…when a relationship has ended?

It’s easier to spot when you are younger, you know Colin Johnson no longer plays with you in the sandpit; Lilly Peak is now the object of his 3 year old affection and get’s to share his worm collection. Or during Geography Jason Smith in 5c passes a note to Gummy, who passes a note to Tommo, who passes a note to Stacey Hardy to say you’re dumped……

In adulthood you can have The Screaming Match “I hate you!!”, The Talk “Look it’s not you it’s me”, The Adulterer “This isn’t what it looks like”, The Moonlight Flit “The coast is clear, back up the removals van”…….and then there’s, well there’s the I don’t know what you’d call it.

Does it have a title? Perhaps The Superiority Break-up? When Person 1 (let’s call them P1) takes umbrage at everything the other says (P2). P1 then goes into a sulk ignoring P2 for weeks on end will not answer phone, ignores P2’s emails and generally behaves a bullying child. P1 will only begin to resume relations if P2 takes all the blame, P1 will never initiate contact unless coaxed round in the style of trying to get a toddler to take their medicine……

So what do you do? How much should P2 take? How much would anybody take? Does P2 live in hope that P1 will revert back to their normal loving funny caring persona before P1’s illness? Or does P2 cut their losses, deal with the pain and move on?

I’m off to find a sandpit…………….

1 comment:

Toenex said...

So I was meant to stop using the sandpit for first dates? Now that is useful information.